
Information on the final schedule coming soon.

Here is the general description of the DILARASS program:

Introduction to Corpus Linguistics

Teacher: Dr. Habil. Mădălina Chitez


In this module, participants are expected to develop a set of skills for understanding corpus linguistics methodology from the perspective of different study disciplines. These skills will also facilitate participants to implement corpus linguistics-based methods in applied interdisciplinary research projects.

Module objectives:

  • Describe basic methods and tools for corpus linguistics research and applications
  • Choose the adequate method for investigating a linguistic corpus
  • Exemplify case studies using corpus linguistics methods to provide practical solutions to problems in various disciplines (language and literature teaching, automatic natural language analysis, linguistic and literary databases, discourse analysis, sentiment analysis in texts, linguistic phenomena specific to the social media environment, fake news detection or general linguistic phenomena)
Using Corpora and Technology in Language Learning and Teaching

Teacher: Drd. Andreea Dincă


This module will showcase the many ways in which corpora can be integrated in language learning and teaching. It will also introduce students to a wide range of effective technology applications to support language learning and teaching. Students will get familiarised with corpus-based digital approaches which will help them exploit language resources and learning/teaching strategies.

Introduction to Readability: Understanding and Improving Text Comprehension

Teacher: Dr. Alexandru Oravițan


This module introduces students to readability studies, which seeks to understand how different factors affect the ease of understanding and comprehension of written texts. Students will learn about key concepts and theories in readability studies, including readability measures, text complexity, and linguistic awareness involved in reading. Particular focus will be given to different practical approaches to measuring text complexity and readability (such as formulas and software solutions), including applied techniques for employing existing tools in daily activities.

Digital Methods for Cultural Studies and Multimodal Discourse

Teachers: Drd. Karla Csürös & Dr. Loredana Bercuci


The module will engage students in a multimodal analysis of different elements connected to cultural studies (from movies, tv series to music and social media), illustrating how pop culture and language can be examined through digital methods. Students will analyse contemporary cultural phenomena with both a critical perspective and innovative, computational means. The corpus related quantitative methods will be complemented by in-depth sociological or historical approaches.

From Literature to Data: New Tools, Old Texts?

Teacher: Dr. Roxana Rogobete


This module will offer an overview of the emerging digital tools, resources, and methods used in literary studies. Students will learn how new modes of “distant reading” are enabled and how digital methods can inform literary analysis. The course will cover basic text mining and visualisation tools (such as Voyant), web applications for mapping literature, but also examples of how network analysis can enhance and articulate perspectives upon literature. This type of quantitative analyses will be taken into account in discussions regarding characters, the voice of the narrator, stylometry, and tropes.